Sunday, January 25, 2009

Earn Money From Own Home

Earn Money From Your Home

Earn money from your home can be done by several ways. One way that I usually do is earn money by selling a real product. What is my real product? My real product is yashmak (or called "Jilbab" in Indonesian).

Yashmak become very popular nowadays. In fact, the moslems awareness to use a yashmak as one of their must, increasing days to days. As a result, there are so many yashmak producers appears, and they compete against each other to win the competition in yashmak market.

The first one is Some producers who already have a strong brand. They are very brave to offers yashmak in a high price. They aren't afraid that they will loose their customers, as some brands have their own loyal customers. Usually their aim is a midle - high class customers, as a customers type like this wants best quality. Thats' why only a bit of some product type which are offered in a middle price.

The second one is some producers who are still trying to entry a yashmak new market. And this shared market is fully filled with new brands. Generally they offers a lower price, in deed the quality is lower than product i told above. Their aim is more people in midle-low class of customers.

This substantiality is a reason why I choose this as one of alternative ways to earn more money from own home. Advanced, my environment if full by a moslems house wife.
So, it is a new chance to increase earnings.

Interest to try? See my next post.. ^_^

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