Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My BlogRoll is Gone

Oh God, I've made a mistake. When trying to try a new template, some of my widget has been deleted. When I try to recover it like before, my blogroll data was not come back...

Help me...
Dear friends, who have already make an exchange link with me, please confirm me again your blog link.... Please...

I dont wanna loose yooouuuuuu


  1. hehe sorry to hear that..

    u shud save all your html code be4 changing your template especially in blogspot.

    If in wordpress than shud be no prob.

    so can I be the one that xchange link with u

    just choose which blog u want Tips on Wireless Broadband Health Crunch My Video Collection

  2. Hi. I've already added your link to mine. Thanks :)

  3. Sorry to hear that... :(
    Anyway... Here's some useful list to make an extra money... ;)


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